Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Remix your life girl!

As women, we are constantly transforming through life...whether through professional or personal waves, a truly intellectual woman swims far in order to find her better being within. 

Transformations can include going from a slow, redundant career into a creative, more energizing one...OR from merely dreaming about traveling abroad to actually doing it...ALONE! Or maybe it's realizing that always being in a relationship isn't necessary...and maybe, just maybe, it's okay to be without someone, finding yourself, perfectly happy in solitude and loving yourself!! While also trying to understand that taking chances and remixing your life is exactly what you need...

I have found that my best transformations have come from deep moments of meditation and reading books I can get lost in. I happen to really dig the words, wisdom and vision of Deepak Chopra. He's a little mainstream for me, but his ideals are righteous: LOVE FOR HUMANITY, SUSTAINABILITY, HEALTH, SELF, LIFE WITHOUT EGO OR NEGATIVITY AND ALWAYS REMAINING PRESENT!

 His book: "The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire" is a great read that I highly recommend.

Check out his blog for daily inspirations, guidance and true enlightenment!

My favorite quote on transformation-"Be Like Water" by Bruce Lee



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