Sunday, October 23, 2011

Get Glitter ready for the holidays!!

To be truly fabulous for the year's end (which is almost here-CRAZEEE!)...I thought a little glitter to feed the sparkle cravings during the holidays, would be best with these HOT HEELS!

They are super cute and can really make your outfit SHINE. Check out the spikes-fierce!
They are from Rachel Roy and I found them at Macy's for about $80-not bad!!

Love them, 
NYC skyline from Brooklyn!

I have been a U.S.  traveling girl this year! It has been great traveling to some of my favorite cities and a some new,  awesome places. It was a year of exploration for me! I went to one of my favorites- Chicago earlier this year to check out Grad School, then to the very beautiful and green Spokane, WA and Ceour d'Alene, Idaho with a very special person....
Then it was on to Sedona, AZ and the Grand Canyon with family.
Sedona is so spiritual and serene!!
Went to Vegas...I won't go into detail with that trip...ha!
Then in September, I decided it felt right to head to New York. This was an incredible time for me...I love New York, but this time was truly amazing!  I went on a whim and just went for it!!
I was really free and felt so inspired by taking the subway, people watching, listening to the city buzz, the art, the food and being with some extremely great company. Travel is all what you make of point is, that hopefully, all of us can find time to reach beyond what we know and go out and EXPLORE!!

Just go for it,

"She has an incredible talent for organic movement"

"You stand out from the crowd"...."Breakthrough"...."Yes You Can"..."Embrace your critics"..."Live Free"...these are words and phrases from snippets of magazine pages that I cut out. I LOVE magazines just like T'Ava, so when I turn pages, I am always very conscience of the words that speak to me. 

I finally decided to do this sort of vision board of words and pictures that I felt represented me. Specifically, how I view myself, where I want to be and how I will get there, dreams I have, places I want to go...etc. etc..... As you can see, my words are VERY positive, motivating and so liberating! 

My idea is to get a beautiful frame for this and put it up somewhere where I can see it everyday before I leave. After being in a little rut emotionally, I felt I needed to do this to help me overcome elements in my life that needed a little love...

Try the vision board, get creative and feel great about yourself...don't forget to dream big too!


Tuesday, October 4, 2011


So I came across this video via Parlour Mag., one of my favorite magazines and many of you know I HEART magazines, and it brought a smile to my face. Two reasons: 1. the music and 2. Roller skates!!
Oh, the little and simple things in Life.
SMILE, Enjoy

Check out music by Full Crate& Mar from their album " Conversation with Her".
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