Sunday, October 23, 2011

Get Glitter ready for the holidays!!

To be truly fabulous for the year's end (which is almost here-CRAZEEE!)...I thought a little glitter to feed the sparkle cravings during the holidays, would be best with these HOT HEELS!

They are super cute and can really make your outfit SHINE. Check out the spikes-fierce!
They are from Rachel Roy and I found them at Macy's for about $80-not bad!!

Love them, 
NYC skyline from Brooklyn!

I have been a U.S.  traveling girl this year! It has been great traveling to some of my favorite cities and a some new,  awesome places. It was a year of exploration for me! I went to one of my favorites- Chicago earlier this year to check out Grad School, then to the very beautiful and green Spokane, WA and Ceour d'Alene, Idaho with a very special person....
Then it was on to Sedona, AZ and the Grand Canyon with family.
Sedona is so spiritual and serene!!
Went to Vegas...I won't go into detail with that trip...ha!
Then in September, I decided it felt right to head to New York. This was an incredible time for me...I love New York, but this time was truly amazing!  I went on a whim and just went for it!!
I was really free and felt so inspired by taking the subway, people watching, listening to the city buzz, the art, the food and being with some extremely great company. Travel is all what you make of point is, that hopefully, all of us can find time to reach beyond what we know and go out and EXPLORE!!

Just go for it,

"She has an incredible talent for organic movement"

"You stand out from the crowd"...."Breakthrough"...."Yes You Can"..."Embrace your critics"..."Live Free"...these are words and phrases from snippets of magazine pages that I cut out. I LOVE magazines just like T'Ava, so when I turn pages, I am always very conscience of the words that speak to me. 

I finally decided to do this sort of vision board of words and pictures that I felt represented me. Specifically, how I view myself, where I want to be and how I will get there, dreams I have, places I want to go...etc. etc..... As you can see, my words are VERY positive, motivating and so liberating! 

My idea is to get a beautiful frame for this and put it up somewhere where I can see it everyday before I leave. After being in a little rut emotionally, I felt I needed to do this to help me overcome elements in my life that needed a little love...

Try the vision board, get creative and feel great about yourself...don't forget to dream big too!


Tuesday, October 4, 2011


So I came across this video via Parlour Mag., one of my favorite magazines and many of you know I HEART magazines, and it brought a smile to my face. Two reasons: 1. the music and 2. Roller skates!!
Oh, the little and simple things in Life.
SMILE, Enjoy

Check out music by Full Crate& Mar from their album " Conversation with Her".

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I'm merely standing on holes in the ground...

If I fall over, they'll never know I'm found
I may leave, but I'll never go back there
I'm only stumbling on the right things that I air

Like those days on the porch of your house....

-ARTIST: Hope Sandoval


Remix your life girl!

As women, we are constantly transforming through life...whether through professional or personal waves, a truly intellectual woman swims far in order to find her better being within. 

Transformations can include going from a slow, redundant career into a creative, more energizing one...OR from merely dreaming about traveling abroad to actually doing it...ALONE! Or maybe it's realizing that always being in a relationship isn't necessary...and maybe, just maybe, it's okay to be without someone, finding yourself, perfectly happy in solitude and loving yourself!! While also trying to understand that taking chances and remixing your life is exactly what you need...

I have found that my best transformations have come from deep moments of meditation and reading books I can get lost in. I happen to really dig the words, wisdom and vision of Deepak Chopra. He's a little mainstream for me, but his ideals are righteous: LOVE FOR HUMANITY, SUSTAINABILITY, HEALTH, SELF, LIFE WITHOUT EGO OR NEGATIVITY AND ALWAYS REMAINING PRESENT!

 His book: "The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire" is a great read that I highly recommend.

Check out his blog for daily inspirations, guidance and true enlightenment!

My favorite quote on transformation-"Be Like Water" by Bruce Lee



Sunday, August 14, 2011


MOVE from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.

A close friend of mine sent this to me over 10 days ago, but I allowed myself to be too busy to watch it. After watching the MOVE video, I can not help but think, analyze and possibly re-frame my outlook on " moving forward" in life and it's relationship to the idea behind progress or progressing. I tend to look at my life as progressing if it moving forward in a upward or vertical motion- position promotion, getting a secondary degree, etc- not never really appreciating, or personally acknowledging a lateral or horizontal change as progress. Thanks Rick Mereki,Tim White & Andrew Lees for bringing this to light for me.

Enjoy and acknowledge the MOVEments in Life!!

Check out their other two videos- LEARN and EAT.

LEARN from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.

EAT from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.



Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Pursuit of" Cool"

THE PURSUIT OF (COOL) - TEASER from R+I creative on Vimeo.

How will you define it? Do you think that society is consumed by it and how?
Let me know your thought?


Saturday, June 11, 2011

STYLE: According to Edith

Your dresses should be tight enough to show you're a woman and loose enough to show you're a lady. ~ Edith Head

Friday, June 10, 2011

FITNESS: June Motivation

 Three D's: Determined, Dedicated & Disciplined

Ms. Ernestine Shepherd is a beautiful, fit 74 year old body-builder. She will be my fitness inspiration for this month to work on my bikini body, even though summer is almost here. Time to cut down on my carbs and hit the gym.



Sunday, May 8, 2011

My mom...


She's generous, charasmatic, sensitive, extremely kind and utterly BEAUTIFUL! Her name is Isabel and she is my wonderful mother. She's the most important woman in my whole life!!!
Take some time and reflect on your mother, grandmother, aunts, cousins and friends who are mothers today. Tell them you LOVE them!

Since my mom loves to be out in the backyard gardening, I included an awesome blog about gardening called on the "My Mom" title up top and check it out! I stumbled upon it and noticed it is super chic with a modern twist on community gardens! 


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

EARBUDS: ELLE- Evening of Music with A Cause

LOVE, Love lOvE Corrine Bailey Rae. Uh... to be able to jet-set to the NYC for this concert.


Photo: Hachette Filipacchi Media, U.S., Inc

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Buy yourself a bouquet!

Get BACK to BASICS and buy a beautiful bunch of your favorite flowers, for none other than...YOURSELF! There is nothing more pleasant and refreshing than having a beautifully, colored bouquet of roses or lilies or, my favorite...TULIPS! Don't wait for someone else to buy them for you...get them yourself. Perk up your office or house with the sweet scent of spring flowers 


L. Adriana

Shoe Dazzle yourself!!

This website is WAY too cool! 

Basically you can choose styles that speak to you, whether in shoes, handbags or jewelry...this is an accessory lovers HEAVEN! It is a must to check out...



Friday, April 22, 2011

MOVIE: Bang Bang Club

                                                        In Select Theaters TODAY!!!


Monday, April 18, 2011

Earbuds: Mara Hruby

Check Here for a free download of her From Her Eye album.


Monday, March 28, 2011

The writing is on the wall

I heart ART MUSEUMS and I seriously cannot get enough of them! Whether a vintage art poster, splats on the wall or a beautiful Warhol of Jackie Kennedy, it's a true addiction for a visually intensive person-like moi! While in Chicago this past weekend, I had to check out their 
Museum of Contemporary Art. It was amazing and many of the pieces were quirky, some made you pensive and others were interactive, allowing you to: touch, take or turn the page! What I valued most though, were not just the colorful paintings but the writing on the walls...check out the pics-they speak for themselves!

Loved Chicago, 


Giving from the HEART

photo courtesy of

When searching for a great volunteer opportunity, I somehow stumbled upon this wonderfully empowering website called 
Women in Progress ( 
What an AMAZING organization! Volunteers fly to Africa to help women entrepreneur's learn basic computer skills, develop business plans and learn financial management. Many have incredible artistic ability and just need a little extra creative wonderful! Although you have to pay your own way for this program, proceeds go directly to services for the women. That in itself is worth EVERY penny! Go find your inner philanthropist,  travel afar and help women create the reality of their dreams!


Be grateful!

Going "Back to basics," truly means understanding what to value and cherish while present in this world. The small, sweet actions you take in this chaotic world as a gorgeous, professional and strong woman give insight  to your amazing character.....Be classy and make an impression on someone...          
There is always a reason to say thank you to someone whether you just received a beautiful gift for your b-day, received help on your grad school application or were supported in your new life venture by a friend...this will bring sunshine to someone's day and make them feel, send a note and 
Photo by



Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Happy 3rd Day of Spring!!

Despite it being a sunny yet cold winter, the first days of spring have not been filled with blooming flowers, clear skies and sunshine. In fact, we, people here in So Cal,  have had to break out the turtlenecks, trench coats and umbrella- we stored prematurely- over the weekend. Spring must have a Winter cough because she was all gray, emotionally windy and crying a river on Sunday. So, if you are like me, and need a few rainy Spring items to cheer your closet up, check out some of my rainy day item must haves. Let me know your rainy day must haves. 

***The Steve Madden " Tsunamii"  rain boots get the "HeartKiss" approval. L'Adriana & I both own a pair.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Style: Rachel Roy

Madam Rachel Roy
                    Source: PopsugarTV

 The Family & Friends Sale for RACHEL RACHEL ROY Ends tomorrow, March 21st!
Get your 30% while it last



Yummy! :Blueberry smoothie bonanza!

Blueberry smoothies are just that...super smooth! From the smooth taste and silky, smooth skin it gives you, how can you not try one? SPRING TIME should mean extra attention on wellness for women...we wear less and want to feel a little lighter and cleaner, both inside and out! Spring into some super smoothie action....check this recipe out! 
P.S. A blender will do just fine if you don't have a Silver Bullet mixing system, which can be purchased at


Ice Cubes - 2
Water - 1/4 cup
Fresh Blueberries - 1 cup
Agave - 1 tbsp -Substitute pure honey or sugar

ENJOY! Abella,

STYLE: Purple springtime passion for fashion!

Welcome to Polyvore!
Welcome to Polyvore! by lenag54 featuring party dresses


ART: Clark Little Photography

                                        (Source: Clark Little Photography)

Despite this being the first day of spring, this amazing photos make me wish it was the first day of summer, instead.

Check out of California native Clark Little's photo or visit one of his galleries:
Clark Little Gallery - Laguna Beach
550 South Coast Highway
Laguna Beach, California 92651

Clark Little Gallery - Haleiwa
Haleiwa Town Center
66-165 Kamehameha Hwy.
North Shore, Haleiwa, Hawaii 96712

Enjoy! Abella,

Monday, March 14, 2011

Blog Design by Sweet Simplicity